mercredi 27 février 2013

Greetings from Helsinki!

Family time, friends and beautiful winter weather. I've been sleeping a lot, studying not enough, planning my brother's birthday party and hanging out in Helsinki. That's to say, nothing special just enjoying my week off. :) Here's some pics:

Celebrating my grandma's 90th birthday. She still looks so young and elegant. :)

With my dear "lil sis" O

So this day has come, my little brother is 18 years old, can't believe it. Monday night celebration with him and his friends in a bar in Töölö. (I felt old btw.)

pretty girls S and A

Me and my baby brother

First time in the new Hard Rock Café Helsinki

With my friend A who's getting married this summer, I'm so happy and excited for her!

The food was delicions but so expensive, 20 euros for a pasta!!


Tea catch up with my friend R at her new place

Walking on the ice. This is a small bay in the middle of center Helsinki that leads to the sea.

Sun shining and +4 degrees, perfect!

luxury villas, living here should be cool

Tourist spots: the Finlandia house and the top of the National Museum. :)
Sometimes Helsinki is such a beautiful city, even in the winter. I had forgotten that because I haven't been here in February since 2009. But I still hope that the spring has arrived to Paris when I get back and that I don't have to see anymore snow this year.

Friday night I'm throwing a big birthday party to my brother. About 20 teenagers are coming (plus a couple of my friends too, thank God), we'll see how it goes... ;) Stay tuned!

xoxo: Emi

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