mardi 19 février 2013

Une jolie promenade avec T

It’s amazing how seeing the sun can make you so happy. Since Saturday I can’t stop smiling because it’s warm and sunny and I can feel the spring coming. On Saturday I was wearing a leather jacket for the first time this spring. We went for a nice long walk with my friend T in the area Invalides, la Seine, Eiffel tower, Trocadéro, 16th, 15th. Time just flew by, we walked and talked for almost three hours. At first it was sunny, then a bit cloudy and in the end we saw a beautiful sunset.

Here’s some tourist photos we took. For those who live in Paris, enjoy. For those who don’t, be jealous! Haha. :)

And this is where we are planning to spend next summer... ;)
When I came home in the evening I was in such Parisian mood that I just had to have some bread, cheese, grapes and wine. How French.
Sunday was a sunny day as well and Monday morning when I woke up the sun was shining again and it was so much easier to get up than the past few Mondays. Walking through Jardin des Plantes with C during lunch break is already becoming a weekly habit and at 6pm when I finished my classes and walked home it was still light. A lot different than before Christmas. And this morning, sun again! I’m so excited about the spring, you can’t even imagine. But if all this sounds too positive, I can tell you that I’m leaving for Finland on Friday, for ten days! So snow and cold, welcome back….
xoxo: Emi

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